


Remedies for Victims of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in the United States




焦興鎧(Cing-Kae Chiao)


工作場所性騷擾 ; 就業上之性別歧視 ; 司法救濟 ; 行政救濟 ; 公平就業法律 ; sexual harassment in the workplace ; sex discrimination in employment ; legal remedies ; administrative remedies ; fair employment statutes




29卷3期(1999 / 09 / 01)


1 - 76






The purpose of this paper is to make an in-depth assessment of various remedies available, both legal and administrative, to the victims of workplace sexual harassment in the United States. Following the introductory remarks, the contents of the paper can be divided into six sections. Section One describes the internal remedial channels provided for by business entities themselves. Section Two studies the remedies contained in collective bargaining agreements. Section Three details the administrative relief offered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Section Four examines legal remedies available through federal fair employment statutes, common law and criminal statutes. Section Five outlines several other related legal remedies. Finally, the paper puts forth a general assessment of these American practices and evaluates their merits, shortcomings and a number of unresolved issues.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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