
純男性軍校與性別歧視-評United States v. Virginia一案判決


Male-Only Military Colleges and Gender Discrimination-Comments on United States v. Virginia


黃昭元(Jau-Yuan Hwang)


平等保障 ; 性別歧視 ; 審查標準 ; 單一性別學校 ; 真實差異 ; Equal Protection ; Gender Discrimination ; Standard of Review ; Single-Sex School ; Real Difference




33卷3期(2003 / 09 / 01)


461 - 539




本文是判決評釋的研究論文,以一九九六年美國最高法院在United States v. Virginia一案判決為主題。本案判決的主要憲法爭議是:只收男性學生的州立軍事學院是否違反美國憲法第十四增補條文的性別平等?本文共分六部分,除前言與結語外,第二部分分析本判決的事實、爭點及判決理由。第三部分分析美國最高法院對於性別歧視案件向來所適用的審查標準,尤其是「中度審查標準」的出現經過及其內涵。第四部分檢討本案判決所適用的審查標準,是否已經提高為嚴格審查標準?特別是分析本案判決多數意見對於性別平等案件是否已經將原先適用的中度審查標準,提高為嚴格審查標準?本文第五部分進一步討論本案所涉及的主要實體爭議:真實差異、行政成本、軍校教育的特殊性及單性學校的合憲性等。本文支持最高法院的判決立場,認為應該對性別歧視適用「不對稱」的反壓迫原則,並應更進一步挑戰男性標準及性別權力的既有架構,才能促進性別平等。


This article aims to analyze the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States on United States v. Virginia in 1996. The core issue is-does the male-only admission policy of a public military college violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? After a brief introduction in part I, part II of this article analyzes the factual background and legal reasoning of this case. Part III traces the development of judicial standards to review gender discrimination cases. Part IV focuses on the standard of review as applied in this case and explores whether the Virginia Court used a 〞strict scrutiny〞 instead of 〞intermediate scrutiny〞 test. Part V of this article goes on to discuss substantive issues such as real difference, administrative costs, military colleges, and single-sex education. In conclusion, this article supports the ruling of Virginia's majority opinion, while criticizing its reasoning. This article urges the courts to take an asymmetrical view of gender equality and further challenge existing male standards and entrenched gender politics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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