


The Doctrine and Method of Wang Chuanshan's Interpretation of the I-Ching




邱黃海(Hwang-Hai Chiu)


分析 ; 綜合 ; 辯證法 ; 方法與原理合一的解經法 ; 四聖一揆 ; 易爲君子謀,不爲小人謀 ; 即占以示學 ; 聖人則圖畫卦 ; 太極 ; 乾坤並建 ; 乾坤並建而捷立 ; 無所不極 ; 卦體的解釋問題 ; analysis ; synthesis ; dialectics ; the interpretive principle of the unity of doctrine and method ; the consistency of four saints ; the role of divination in becoming a gentleman rathen than a petty person ; learning to be a gentleman by conulting the diagrams ; the saint's composition of eight trigrams according to The River Chart ; taiji ; the co-estab-lishment of the principles of Qian and Kun ; the principle that no end cannot be reached ; the interpretation of the construction of trigram




28期(2002 / 06 / 01)


149 - 195






Previous studies of the Chuanshan's interpretation of I-Ching focus on its doctrines. Additionally, there has been a popular opinion that Chuanshan's mode of thinking is dialectical in emphasizing the unity of two extremes. The purpose of this article is to justify three themes through a detailed analysis of the article ”The Principles Setting in the Inner Commentary of Chou-I”. The first theme explains that Chuanshan's mode of thinking is not dialectical because Chuanshan understood the two extremes as consistent rather than as contradictory. Second, although Chuanshan's mode of thinking is not dialectical, it is nevertheless synthetic. His mode of synthesis, further, is not to be understood outside his fundamental worldview. In fact, his different modes of synthesis are determined by his fundamental worldview. Third, his ontology determines not only his modes of synthetic thinking, but also his mode of interpreting the I-Ching. The gravity nf the article lies in unfolding the relations of Chuanshan's ontological views, his synthetic modes, and his mode interpreting I-Ching.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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