


Reading, Dialoguing, Writing and Cultural Understanding: A Reflection on a Multicultural Educational Program




何青蓉(Ching-Jung Ho)


跨國婚姻 ; 外籍配偶 ; 多元文化教育 ; 批判性識字 ; Interethnic marriage ; foreign brides ; multicultural education ; critical literacy




17期(2004 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20




缺乏多元文化素養是當前臺灣社會接納跨國婚姻移民最大的阻礙。筆者認為透過課程設計,將有助於促進本地居民與跨國婚姻婦女間跨文化的理解,進而提高她們多元文化素養。本研究採取批判性識字與社會文化識字取向的教育觀點,經由閱讀生活中經常出現的文本、課堂的對話討論,及課後的自由寫作和日誌書寫,協助學習者培養批判性反思能力與多元文化觀點。本文檢視此一教育方案的實踐經驗,分析討論課程與教學設計特色與學習成效的關係。發現影響學員改變的課程與教學設計的因素包括:l) 對話討論、提問與資料引介有助於拉開學習的深度與廣度;2) 作文書寫刺激學員與生活有了新的連結;3) 教學素材在不等程度上改變了學員對於跨國婚姻現象的觀點;4) 有意義的素材的引入,加上學員的對話討論,促進部分學員觀點的轉化。教師所扮演的則是努力提問、引發好奇心、耐心等候學員覺察乃至跨越其界限處境的文化工作者角色。而批判性多元文化教育目標之一所欲達成的促進學習者跨文化的理解,就在處於不同的社會文化位置者相互的對話中逐步開展出來;識字教育工作者必須敏感於其所教導對象的特性、使用的文本與教法所扮演的關鍵性角色。


For a long time, Taiwanese people have been short of multicultural literacy, which has become an obstacle while Taiwan encounters the world trend of marriage immigrants currently. The design of the literacy program therefore should consider both the needs of new immigrants and local people to enhance their cross-cultural understanding and multicultural literacy as well. Based upon the perspective of critical literacy and the socio-cultural literacy education approach, this author designed a program to help learners think critically and develop multicultural literacy by reading texts in their lives, dialoguing with other learners, and then writing journals freely as homework. This paper reviewed the experiences of the praxis of this program, including the programming features and learning effects. It is found that factors influencing learners’ changes and transformation are as follows: 1) Dialogues, problem-posing and learning materials help enhance the depth and width of learners' meaning perspectives. 2) Free writing stimulates the connections of learners themselves to their lives. 3) Learning materials change learners' viewpoints about interethnic marriages at various levels. 4) Meaningful materials and dialogues facilitate some learners' meaning transformation. Teacher as a cultural worker is to prose problems, raise learners' curiosity, and patiently wait for learner's awareness and cross their limiting situations further ahead. In sum, dialogues among learners with different socio-cultural positions have created opportunities for them to achieve a purpose of critical multicultural education-cross-cultural understanding among learners. Thus, it is concluded that literacy educators have to be sensitive to the dynamic relationships among learners' characteristics, texts and teaching methods.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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