


Exploring the Attractive Experience Attributes of Social Network Games




陳俊智(Chun-Chin Chen);徐德芬(De-Fen Shiu)


社交遊戲 ; 臉書 ; 體驗 ; Kano品質模式 ; 滿意度 ; 評價構造法 ; social network game ; Facebook ; experience ; Kano model ; satisfaction ; evaluation grid method




30期(2011 / 06 / 01)


63 - 83






The purpose of this study is to explore the users' preference and experience on playing social network games. To identify the attractive and important experience attributes, Kano model is used to explore the relationships between experience quality performance and user satisfaction from the case study of 6-social network games on Facebook. Firstly, the users' interviews were held, and the evaluation grid method was applied to generalize the attractive experience attributes during playing social network game. Then the questionnaire survey was conducted to gather the users' experience evaluations and overall satisfaction on 6 social network games. The factor analysis was used to explore the users' experience dimensions of game playing, from which four factors: social relationship and community identification, novelty, challenging and entertainment were identified. Moreover, each experience factor has different effects on user satisfaction. Then the Kano's regression method was conducted. The 18 experience attributes were categorized as different Kano's classifications, including must-be quality, one-dimensional quality and attractive quality. Furthermore, four factors could also be classified into different Kano's classifications. This implies that there exist linear and non-linear relationships between experience attributes performance and user satisfaction. The result of Kano categorization can help designers to better understand user requirements for social network game design, to identify the critical and high-return factors of user satisfaction, and to provide useful insights into game designing for enhancing user satisfaction.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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