


The Satisfactory Determinants of Service Recovery Quality: An Exploratory Study




鄭紹成(Shao-Cheng Cheng)


服務補救 ; 服務品質 ; service recovery ; service quality




21卷3期(2002 / 01 / 01)


49 - 68




服務品質是服務行銷領域中,最早為學者廣泛研究之課題,其中尤以Parasuraman,Zeithaml and Berry (1985)三人提出之服務品質缺口模型與服務品質構面與SERVQUAL量表最為著名;1980年代晚期,服務補救(service recovery)方面之研究,為學者探討之另一主題,惟就服務補救品質構面進行探討者,仍付闕如。本研究以定性(qualitative)研究之重要事件技術(Critical Incident Technique, CIT)為主要研究方法,探討企業發生服務失誤(service failure)之後,消費者對於企業服務補救,其所滿意之細項構面為何?研究結果,服務補救品質構面有五大類13細項。


Service quality is an important issue in service marketing, but the satisfactory determinants of service recovery quality are relatively unknown. The purpose of this study is to explore the dimension of service recovery quality in retailing industry. Critical Incident Technique (CIT), which belongs to the qualitative research method, is using to find out the service failure and service recovery incidents. From those data in Taiwan, We try to conclude the satisfaction dimension of service recovery quality, which is based on the theory of service quality. The research and management applications for service recovery also discuss.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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