


The Relationship among Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Purchase Intentions: An Application of Hierarchical Moderator Regression Analysis




林素吟(Su-Yin Lin)


服務品質 ; 滿意度 ; 購買意圖 ; 交互作用 ; 干擾 ; service quality ; satisfaction ; purchase intention ; interaction ; moderate




24卷2期(2005 / 04 / 01)


1 - 17




評估服務品質與滿意度對購買意圖的影響是服務行銷文獻的重要主題,過去研究強調中介關係的探討,但滿意度是否會干擾服務品質與購買意圖的關係,為研究上的缺口,又服務品質與滿意度對購買意圖的影響程度孰大,為研究上的另一缺口。 本研究以銀行業的顧客為研究對象,研究結果發現服務品質對購買意圖有直接的影響效果且服務品質對購買意圖的影響程度大於滿意度;又發現滿意度會干擾服務品質與購買意圖的關係,亦即隨著滿意度的增高,服務品質對購買意圖的影響力遞減。最後,提出管理意涵與理論意涵。


Assessing the impact of service quality and satisfaction on purchase intentions is an important theme in the service marketing literature. Past studies emphasized the exploration of the mediating relationship. However, whether satisfaction moderates the relationship between service quality and purchase intentions is a gap of studies. Moreover, regarding service quality and satisfaction, which one has the bigger level of influence on purchase intentions is another gap of studies. The current research surveys the customers of the banking service industry. The results of the current research suggest that service quality has a direct effect on purchase intentions and has the bigger effect than satisfaction. The findings also reveal that satisfaction moderates the relationship between service quality and purchase intentions. The managerial and theoretical implications of the current study are also presented and discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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