


The Relationship between Service Customer's Perceived Relationship Status and the Development of Future Intention




練乃華(Nai-Hwa Lien);高淑鑾(Shu-Luan Kao)


滿意度 ; 依賴 ; 信任 ; 承諾 ; 未來往來意願 ; satisfaction ; dependence ; trust ; commitment ; future intention




24卷4期(2005 / 10 / 01)


127 - 143






This study examines the effects of customer's perceived relationship status on development of future intention in banking industry. An integrated model is proposed, in which measures of relationship status are satisfaction and dependence, and that of future relationship development are trust, commitment, and future intention. Data collected from a survey of the corporate customers of a commercial bank are used to test the model. The results indicate that (1) satisfaction with service personnel leads to trust in bank, trust in bank employees, affective commitment, and greater level of future intention; (2) satisfaction with service organization and core service, as well as dependence, has positive influence on trust in bank and calculative commitment; (3) Trust and affective commitment have direct effects on future intention, implying that trust and commitment are key factors in a stable relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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