


Relational Risks and Control Mechanisms in Cooperation: A Study of the Information Technology Firms




熊欣華(Hsin-Hua Hsiung);司徒達賢(Dah-Hsian Seetoo);于卓民(Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu)


關係風險 ; 預期合作價值 ; 控制機制 ; 交易成本理論 ; relational risk ; expected cooperation value ; control mechanism ; transaction cost theory




25卷2期(2006 / 04 / 01)


83 - 108






Abstract: Relational risks come from partners' opportunism and circumstances surrounding cooperation. Cooperative conditions with asset specificity, task complexity, or knowledge transfer tend to elicit relational risk. Firms could adopt four kinds of control mechanisms-network, information, economic control, and contract- to deal with the problem of relational risk. Although transaction cost theory has pointed out some treatments for this problem, it hasn't fully examined the issue of the adequacy of managerial control. This study proposed that the degree of control should depend on the relational risk and the expected cooperation values, and the relationships among control mechanism should be understood. We collected data from cooperation projects in information technology industry, and the results showed that cooperations with high relational risks and high expected values tend to be associated with increased control. Further exploratory analyses of the four control mechanisms revealed that economic control is positively related to contract control, and information control is positively related to other three control mechanisms. It would be helpful for firms to arrange cooperations by means of the understanding of the substitutive or complementary relationships among these control mechanisms.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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