This paper investigates foreign and native domestic workers' experiences and resistance under the 'Foreign Maid Policy' in the 1990s Taiwan. It also explores how the state policy of 'the foreign maid', intersected by gender, class and ethnicity, serves to divide the women's common interest of the socialization of domestic work. The finding suggests that the 'Foreign Maid Policy' exploits and impoverishes the unprivileged foreign and native domestic workers in legal and economic terms to unburden wealthier women by keeping the costs of domestic service low, which thus further reinforces the class distinctions between women. The state power is discursively practiced through ethnic and class inequalities to divide women's collective interests. To transcend these divisions among women, Taiwanese feminists should take account of the interests of the unprivileged women. Only by challenging the low-paid and privatized nature of domestic work, and promoting the autonomy of domestic workers could Taiwanese feminists continue to foster the socialization of domestic work successfully.
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