Young adult unemployment problem has emerged as a public issue in European countries in the 1980s and then enlarged as a life course issues for academic and policy studies in the 1990s. The Yo-Yo trajectory is widely discovered in youth transition but its nature is diversified especially because of the indistinguishable boundary among employment, atypical employment, unemployment and schooling. In this study, we interview 14 young adults to collect their transition trajectories, which are analyzed and generalized from cases comparison and grounded perspective. The research findings are: firstly, just like most studies in the developed countries, there are various Yo-Yo trajectories withim Taiwanese young adults' transition. Secondly, the initial young adult' employment is easily trapped in between atypical/un-employment. Thirdly, after examining three assumptions about the dynamic interaction between employment, education and family supporting, we see the importance of family supporting in their transition from school to work that signifies once again the effect of social structure. In conclusion, this study suggests a policy to reduce structural constraints for young adults with less informal supports.
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