The increasing number of HIV patients due to injecting drug use (IDU) enabled the Taiwanese government to implement harm reduction program, including distribution of clean needles and drug substitution treatment, in 2004. By taking a social constructionist perspective and using van Gorp's framing package approach, this study analyzed how frames of injecting drug users are represented in the news discourse when addressing the reconstructed social problem of IDU and HIV/AIDS in Taiwan. Seven hundred and forty two relevant news stories from China Times, United Daily News, and Apple Daily, dated from January 2004 to December 2007, were collected via the newspaper web databases. The results showed that injecting drug users were framed as one of the following: curable patients, victims, incurable losers, victimizers/deviants, and the mixed type of any of the four frames. Although increased number of news stories while injecting drug users were framed as curable patients was found, frames with negative nature were still the majority in the news discourse, whereas injecting drug users as victimizers/deviants were the predominant. Based on the findings, the study went further to discuss issues related to health and rights from indigenous and humanitarian perspectives.
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