


The Evolving Working Styles of Visually Impaired Massage Workers and the Types of Their Disadvantaged Positions




王育瑜(Yu-Yu Wang)


視障按摩師 ; 執業類型 ; 弱勢型態 ; visually impaired massage workers ; working styles ; the types of disadvantaged positions




83期(2011 / 08 / 01)


37 - 93






Following the No. 649 Interpretation of the Constitutional Court, the policy of massage as reserved occupation for visually impaired people, will be abolished in 2011. The Interpretation has been criticized, by some law scholars, as not being able to base its conclusion on clear analyses of the disadvantages of visually impaired massage workers [VIMWs]. On the other hand, VIMWs went on a strike to ask for cash subsidies. Is giving money the only and the best solution? Or, are there other problems to be solved? This question has to be addressed, in order to liberate VIMWs from their disadvantaged positions. This study adopts qualitative approach. Participants include 30 VIMWs and 7 service providers. In-depth interviews and a focus group interview were utilized as data collection methods. This study found that the diversified working styles of VIMWs reveal the different survival strategies as well as varieties of their disadvantaged positions. Whereas, at the collective level, not being recognized as a profession, leads to inadequate professional education, examination, and career development. Therefore, to liberate VIMWs from their disadvantaged positions, assisting individual VIMWs, and developing adequate policies and services at the system level, should both be considered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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