


Is There A Future of Anthropology in Taiwan? Reflection for New Century


黃應貴(Ying-Kuei Huang)


新自由主義 ; 東埔社布農人 ; 去脈絡化 ; 心理學解釋之轉向 ; 整體圖像 ; 民族誌探討模式 ; 多元中心的世界人類學 ; neoliberalism ; the Bunun of Taketonpu ; de-contextualization ; psychology's interpretive turn ; the totality of the studied socio-culture ; ethnography being a mode of inquiry ; world anthropologies with multiple centers




94期(2014 / 03 / 01)


1 - 50






Since this century, facing new development of neoliberalization in Taiwan, whether anthropology in Taiwan would utilize this chance to avoid being periherized? By the result of a study case of Taketonpu Bunun, we are not only sure that local societies and cultures in Taiwan have had fundamental changes and entered a new age, but also sure further that anthropology in Taiwan has had some major difficulties in studying the contemporary: lacking historical consciousness or the consciousness of the times makes the study decontextualized, the traps and burdens of the concepts derived from modernity, neglected psychology's interpretive turn, without holding the totality of the studied socio-culture, the limitation of our past thoughts, etc. These prevent us from treating validly new issues in the contemporary. The solution is to go back to our fieldwork in historical context or in the context of the times for the ethnography which is a mode of inquiry. Of course, this kind of ethnography is concerned with various aspects of the studied in necessary width and depth. On the other hand, besides reflection on the past thoughts and necessary reinvention or creation of new knowledge, we need more the capability to synthsize rather than analyze the data for finding out the studied's major concerns by which we would contribute to the emerging world anthropologies with multiple centers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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