


Assembling Wenzaizun: Industrial Agglomeration and Informal Urbanization


顏亮一(YEN Liang-Yi)


經濟群聚 ; 都市非正式性 ; 拼裝都市論 ; 空間生產 ; 未登記工廠 ; 新莊 ; economic agglomeration ; urban informality ; assemblage urbanism ; production of space ; undocumented factory ; Xinzhuang




118期(2021 / 04 / 30)


1 - 54






In recent years, industrial agglomeration is increasingly becoming a major issue in the academic fields of economics, geography, urban planning and public policy in Taiwan. Most studies, however, merely focus on the effects of agglomeration taking place in institutional industrial districts, overlooking the industrial clusters composed by undocumented factories spreading all over Taiwan. On the other hand, those few studies concerned with undocumented factories tend to treat these issues from the perspective of administrative management, neglecting the possible effects of agglomeration these undocumented factories might produce and their relations to documented factories. In response to such theoretical gaps, the present study looks at the undocumented factories in Wenzaizun, New Taipei, exploring the relations among industrial agglomeration, creative milieu and informal landscape. This study asks a fundamental question: As a component of urban social and spatial assemblage, how is Wenzaizun related to Xinzhuang's urban development? By analyzing the development of manufactural industry clusters in Xinzhuang, the production network of factories in Wenzaizun, the supply-demand mechanism of factory buildings, and the ways local government manages undocumented factories, this study suggests that Wenzaizun is best understood as a "temporary habitat" where business owners and land owners appropriate a time-space interstices during Xinzhuang's urbanization process. This habitat is inseparable from the development of metal manufactural industry in Xinzhuang, and it is an indispensable "assemblage" in the industrialization process of Xinzhuang.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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