


The Practice and Challenges of Indigenous Solidarity Economy: The Cooperation of Ina Kitchen and Social Welfare Organizations


黃盈豪(Ying-hao HUANG)


團結經濟 ; 社會福利組織 ; 原住民社工 ; 福利殖民 ; 原民性 ; solidarity economy ; social welfare organization ; indigenous social worker ; welfare colonialism ; indigeneity




122期(2022 / 08 / 31)


1 - 40






Solidarity economy is an important means of indigenous peoples in resisting colonization. However, existing literature rarely discusses the practice of and challenges to the solidarity economy of indigenous peoples in the context of Taiwan. Solidarity economy emphasizes cooperation, equality, democratic participation, and environmentally friendly economic activities. Such economy clearly analyzes current situations and uses collective economic actions in resistance. How can the integration of solidarity economy and social services be the new direction for social welfare groups in promoting local unity and organizational empowerment? And how is such economy to be re-embedded within their respective tribal contexts and political-economic environments? Through multiple methods including in-depth interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and secondary data analysis, this study, with its analysis of the cooperation between the Good Shepherd Social Welfare Foundation and the Tafalong tribe's Ina Kitchen in Hualien as the starting point, discusses the experience of a small and medium-sized social welfare organization that actually invests in the development of solidarity economy. The four findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, solidarity economy can reduce reliance on capital and state subsidies, allowing tribes and social welfare organizations to be more autonomous; secondly, solidarity economy of indigenous peoples partakes of the character of tribal collective mutual assistance and cultural inheritance; thirdly, solidarity economy brings new imagination and working methods of helping people to social workers. Finally, this study discovers that the keys to success for the operation of the solidarity economy of indigenous peoples are internal democracy and giving back to the community. The cooperation between the Good Shepherd Social Welfare Foundation and Ina Kitchen indicates that the foundations of solidarity economy and independent industries are important regulating valves when social welfare organizations face changes in state policies and uncertainty in related welfare services measures, as well as bargaining chips for action in the process of indigenous tribes' fight against oppression and resistance against colonization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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