


Applying Kano Model and IPA to Identify Critical Service Quality Attributes for Hot Springs Hotel in Peitou


鄧維兆(Wei-Jaw Deng);李友錚(Yu-Cheng Lee)


Kano模式 ; 重要度績效分析 ; 溫泉旅館 ; 服務品質 ; Kano model ; IPA ; hot springs hotel ; service quality




14卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


99 - 113






Under the increasing of National Income (NI) and the implementation of two-day off per week policy, the market of domestic tourism had grown flourishingly. Hot springs tourism is one of the popular recreation and leisure activities. Peitou hot springs recreational area is the popular place for tourist to enjoy hot springs bath and SPA because it's excellent geographic position and convenient traffic. Hot springs hotel manager sufficiently understands tourists' needs, expectations and thoughts for applying in service design and service quality improvement is an important issue of business competitive advantage. Usually, managers apply Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to identify critical improvement attributes. But in the utilization of IPA, the characteristic of two-dimension quality had not been considered by practitioners. Therefore, this research proposes an approach for identifying critical service quality attribute by applying Kano model and IPA. Firstly, we apply Kano model to recognize the two-dimensional characteristic of service quality attributes and to calculate satisfaction increment index and dissatisfaction decrement index for identifying 「effective improving service quality attributes」. Subsequently, we apply IPA to identify 「prior improving service quality attributes」. Lastly, we integrate 「effective improving service quality attribute」 and 「prior improving service quality attribute」 and identify critical service quality attributes. The research results reveal that 3 service quality attributes are attractive quality; 7 service quality attributes are one-dimensional quality; 8 service quality attributes are must-be quality and 6 service quality attributes are indifferent quality of hot springs hotel in Peitou.「Insist company commitments」 and 「Put customer profit in the first place of thought」are two critical service quality attributes for hot springs hotel mangers to improve service quality and add competitive advantage. The novel integrated approach for identifying critical service quality attributes can be applying in any service quality improvement project.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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