


Constructing and Experimenting the Model of Tourists Viewing Quality, Satisfaction, and Viewing Benefit: A Case on Brand's Health Museum




李君如(Chun-Ju Li)


觀光工廠 ; 滿度意 ; 忠誠度 ; 結構方程模型 ; tourism factory ; satisfaction ; loyalty ; structural equation model




19卷6期(2012 / 12 / 01)


541 - 563






Since the transition of economic structure in Taiwan, conventional industries are facing the challenge of transformation and upgrade. Basing on producing elements, many enterprises attempt to find out the innovative service mode and marketing strategies by original way of manufacture and management; therefore, tourism factory is one of the outcomes. Taking Brand's Health Museum in Changhua coastal industrial park as the research subject, a total of 600 effective questionnaires were collected from the visitors who visited the museum from March to April in 2011. The current study analyzed 3 points as below: (1) Constructing and experimenting the viewing quality scale by confirmatory factor analysis. (2) Conforming the reliability and validity of four components: ”conception of healthy food,” ”behavior intention of healthy food,” ”behavior intention of Brand's products,” and ”brand impression.” This point is for comprehending the viewing benefit of tourism factory, so that the foregoing was adopted to respond to the traditional conception of loyalty which is reinforced by business characteristics. (3) Constructing and experimenting the structural equation models of viewing quality, satisfaction, and viewing benefit to estimate the value which are produced after the factory is open for visiting. The results show the model constructed by different dependent variables not only reach well or acceptable goodness fitting, but also conform to the group invariance by cross validity test; moreover, loyalty is the better dependent variable from competition model. On the part of variables association, the viewing quality which includes exhibition facilities, narrators, and theme planning would positively influence tourists' satisfaction; furthermore, it also produced positively direct and indirect effects to the loyalty and benefit after visiting. The study findings could assist enterprises to estimate the benefit at executing this kind of policy, and they provided the theoretical and practical significance for the value of innovative service as well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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