






許嘉霖(Chia-Lin Hsu);郭國興(Kuo-Hsing Kuo);謝艾芸(Ai-Yun Hsieh);湯其潔(Chi-Chieh Tang)


實用/享樂價值 ; 心流體驗 ; 知覺好玩 ; 滿意度 ; 持續意圖 ; utilitarian/hedonic value ; flow experience ; perceived playfulness ; satisfaction ; continuance intention




24卷3期(2017 / 06 / 30)


191 - 201




隨著資訊科技的迅速發展,智慧型通訊裝置已取代了傳統手機,並掀起行動應用程式(mobile application,以下簡稱App)開發的新浪潮。App的種類相當多元,包含社群、遊戲、旅遊、交通、影片、音樂等功能類型。由於使用者會根據其不同的需求與目的來使用,進而可對App產生實用或享樂價值之感受。本研究為了能進一步瞭解影響App之滿意度與持續使用意圖的因子,在整理過去相關文獻並進行討論後,將實用與享樂價值、心流體驗、知覺好玩、滿意度與持續使用意圖之間關係建構出研究模型。本研究透過網路問卷進行調查,以使用過App之年輕族群作為調查對象。研究結果顯示App使用者之知覺實用價值會正向影響心流體驗,而其知覺的享樂價值會正向地影響知覺好玩。此外,App使用者之心流體驗與知覺好玩均對滿意度及持續使用意有顯著正向影響,而心流體驗與知覺好玩的中介角色亦被證實,且使用者滿意度亦被證實會正向影響持續使用意圖。本研究之結果除了對資訊系統使用意圖之相關文獻提供進一步的瞭解外,亦可讓App開發業者瞭解實用價值與享樂價值是如何能夠影響消費者的專注與沉迷行為,以作為App開發業者在研發設計策略上的一項重要參考依據。


As the rapid development of information technology, the smart devices have replaced the conventional devices. The mobile application (hereinafter referred to as App) is the rage now. Types of App software may include community, games, travel, transportation, videos, and music platform and so on. Users can produce a feeling of utilitarian or hedonic value from using various types of Apps. To further understand the factors that influence satisfaction and continuance intention of App, this study is based on previous related literature to builds a research model to show the relationships among the constructs of utilitarian value, hedonic value, flow experience, perceived playfulness, satisfaction, and continuance intention. This study uses a web-based survey and afterward a total of 403 valid questionnaires were used into our analysis. The findings show that perceived utilitarian value has a significant impact on flow experience, and additionally perceived hedonic value has a significant impact on perceived playfulness. Furthermore, our results confirm that flow experience and perceived playfulness significantly and positively affect user satisfaction and continuance intention, and additionally the mediating roles of flow experience and perceived playfulness are also confirmed in this study. In addition, the results demonstrate that user satisfaction has a significant impact on continuance intention. Based on the results of this study, in addition to further understanding the relevant literature of intention to use information systems, App developers enable to realize how utilitarian value and hedonic value influence consumers' attention and addictive behavior, and thereby offer them the important reference of research and development strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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