






陳春美(Chun-Mei Chen)


service quality ; brand image ; perceived value ; satisfaction ; loyalty ; 服務品質 ; 品牌形象 ; 認知價值 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度




26卷5期(2019 / 10 / 30)


273 - 295




The question of why do mobile subscribers continue subscribing to their existing service providers or switch to other providers is a challenge facing the global mobile industry. This study's purpose is to assess how service quality, brand image, and perceived value impact the levels of satisfaction and loyalty toward mobile providers, thus affecting the churn rate. We collected 626 valid questionnaires as data samples and analyzed them via structural equation modeling (SEM). Empirical research shows that satisfaction does mediate the relationships of service quality, brand image, and perceived value on loyalty. In terms of direct effects, high perceived value leads to high satisfaction, which has a greater impact than that of service quality and brand image. The indirect effect of a single perceived value on loyalty is less than that of service quality and brand image. But when high perceived value is combined with high customer satisfaction, it produces the greatest mediation effect for spurring high loyalty. Brand image is the single biggest indirect effect on loyalty, but a good satisfaction level does not exist, then it has a weak impact on customer loyalty. Our findings offer a suggestion for management of mobile service providers to focus on enhancing perceived value in order to minimize customer churn and thus maintain long-term loyalty.


為什麼行動用戶持續使用現有的服務提供者,或轉向其他競爭業者,是全球行動通信產業面臨的挑戰。本研究的目的是去評估服務品質、品牌形象和認知價值,去影響顧客滿意度和忠誠度水平,從而影響客戶的流失。本研究收集樣本數共有626份有效問卷,採用結構方程模組(structural equation modeling)方法進行資料分析。本實證研究結果顯示,客戶滿意確實可以中介調節(mediate)服務品質,品牌形象和認知價值對忠誠度之間的關係。透過比較直接效應(direct effects),認知價值對顧客滿意度的影響最大,其次是服務品質,最後是品牌形象。再者,透過比較非直接效應(indirect effects),品牌形象對忠誠度的影響最大,其次是服務品質,最後是認知價值。但如果高的認知價值加上高的顧客滿意度,將產生最大的中介效應,帶來高的忠誠度。品牌形像對忠誠度有個別的最大間接影響,但如果沒有良好的滿意度,則會對顧客忠誠度產生較弱的影響。五家行動業者在品牌形象和顧客忠誠度,呈顯著性差異,其餘則差異不顯著。本文的貢獻是網路接續品質和情緒性價值滿足,會影響顧客的認知價值和忠誠度,導致離網率高低而影響業者的市占率。建議行動通信業者的管理決策,著重於強化顧客認知價值,以最小化顧客的流失,以確保顧客長期的忠誠。

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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