


Challenges and Opportunities for Global Electric Vehicle Development


林茂文(Maw-Wen Lin)


油電混合車(HEV) ; 純電動車(BEV) ; 插電式油電混合車(PHEV) ; 車聯網 ; Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) ; Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) ; Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle(PHEV) ; Internet of Vehicles




56卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 28






Electric vehicles are experiencing explosive growth worldwide, but it may be some time before EVs become mainstream. In 2018, over 5.1 million electric vehicles hit the road globally, of which nearly 2 million were sold in China, Europe and the United States. This article will first discuss the global development and future planning of electric vehicle, and the petroleum industry's influence, and comprehensively explore the development direction of international smart electric vehicles. Finally, we explain the current development situation and business opportunities in Taiwan's electric vehicle industry. The IEA has a goal of increasing the global electric vehicle market share to 30% by 2030, and it is expected that by 2040, the number of electric vehicles on the road will reach 330 million, replacing about 4 million barrels of oil per day. BNEF optimistically projected that by 2040, 33% of the global car fleet will be electric, meaning one out of every three vehicles people see on the road will be electric. Furthermore, it is expected one in two cars sold in China to be electric. It is becoming increasingly clear that the government and car manufacturers continue to use policies to facilitate the development of electric cars and gradually phase out internal combustion engines. BP predicts that by 2040, electric vehicles will account for 33% of vehicle ownership, reducing 8.5 million barrels of fuel per day. However, this is only equivalent to 8.6% of the current global daily fuel demand. In 2040, the global electric vehicle power consumption will be 1800TWh, accounting for 5% of total electricity consumption. Taiwan actively promotes the use of electric vehicles. In 2018, the sales of electric motorcycles reached 127,000 units, but the sales of electric vehicles remained minimal, mainly hybrid electric vehicles. At present, Taiwan has implemented the "Promotion Program for Green Smart Electric Vehicles", as well as promotion measures such as the exemption of license tax and goods tax for electric vehicles. The development of electric vehicles is a future trend, and the government needs to respond early. If a large number of electric vehicles are used in the future, it will have a great impact on both the transportation and energy sectors.

主题分类 工程學 > 礦冶與冶金工程
社會科學 > 經濟學
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