Objectives: Due to dramatic changes in the labor market, psychosocial hazards at work have become increasingly important and have been included in national surveys about occupational safety and health in most developed countries. This study was designed to explore survey methods and questionnaire items from selected countries and to compare them with those used in Taiwan. Methods: Survey questionnaires from the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland were studied. These surveys were selected based on the availability of the following information in English: title of survey, research design, survey subjects, sample size, the full questionnaire, measurements, survey time and frequency. Results: Major dimensions for the assessment of psychosocial work hazards included: work contract, salary status, employment security, career prospects and opportunities for future development, job control, job demands, working hours, shift work, night work, organizational justice, and family-work conflict. In contrast, only a limited number of these factors have been assessed in national surveys in Taiwan. Conclusions: We suggest that surveys in Taiwan could be further improved by adopting validated measures for work contracts, salary status and employment security, expanding the scope of the measures of job demands, and including measures for overtime work with or without pay, family-work conflicts, violence, harassment and bullying.
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