


The application of risk adjustment models to predict health expenditures under the capitation payment system in family medicine practice groups in the Kaoping Area




邱姵穎(Pei-Yin Chiu);張清雲(Ching-Jun Chang);蔡麗伶(Lih-Ling Tsai);張玉蓉(Yu-Jung Chang);謝慧敏(Hui-Min Hsieh)


論人計酬支付制度 ; 社區醫療群模式 ; 風險校正計價模式 ; 家庭醫師整合性照護計畫 ; capitation payment system ; community care medical group model ; risk-adjusted prediction model ; primary care physician integrated care plan




35卷6期(2016 / 12 / 15)


595 - 608






Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate the risk factors associated with patients' health expenditures and to apply risk-adjusted medical expenditure prediction models using the primary care physician integrated care plan and the capitation payment model. Methods: Data were drawn from the 2012-2013 national health insurance (NHI) claims data and the primary care physician integrated care plan data for two primary care groups (one in a rural and the other in an urban area of the Kaoping area in southern Taiwan). We randomly selected one group of patients from one primary care group as a training set to conduct the risk-adjusted models, and compared two random samples from rural and urban primary care groups to assess the within and between group validity of the prediction models. Results: This study supported an association between patients' demographic or comorbid characteristics and health expenditures in the rural and urban primary care patient groups. Patients in the rural area were age sixty or older and their health expenditures in 2013 were greater than those in the urban group (NTD 29,658 vs. 25,087). In addition, the model's goodness-of-fit measured as adjusted R^2 increased from 6.19% to 40.20% when more risk factors were added to the risk-adjusted health expenditure models. Conclusions: When risk-adjusted models to predict medical costs are used, appropriate risk factors and reasonable growth rates need to be considered in order to increase the accuracy and sensitivity of the prediction of medical costs. Moreover, geographic variability also needs to be considered in order to reflect the consumption of medical resources in different areas and to ensure the horizontal equity and efficient allocation of medical resources across rural and urban areas.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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