


An analysis of the technology commercialization of a new lifting device: taking occupational health as the value proposition






職業健康 ; 移位機 ; 技術商品化 ; 價值主張畫布 ; 創新 ; occupational health ; lifting device ; technology commercialization ; value proposition canvas ; innovation




40卷6期(2021 / 12 / 24)


642 - 659






Objectives: This article focuses on the technology commercialization of a new lifter and discusses how to bring further innovation through the participation of prospective users. It is expected that the new lifter will be more accepted by the market and will be rewarded to the workplace health protection of care workers. Methods: This research is based on a case study, in terms of a small elderly care institution in the southern Taiwan. It adopts the approach of qualitative research in that participatory observation and in-depth interviews were conducted. Furthermore, the concept of "Value Proposition Canvas" is used to analyze the technology commercialization of the new lifter and the development of its business model. Results: "Occupational health" and "client reablement" is taken as the core value of the product appeal. In terms of that, the research team communicate on the customers' pains and gains, which really helps the R&D group to develop an isolating mechanism with imitation barriers, including the provision of customized accessories and services, and small, two-way education and training programs. Conclusions: The value proposition of occupational health can be used as a niche for the promotion of transferring device, but whether the new lifter can be widely accepted still needs to consider the energy of institutional management innovation and government policies. In the face of the international trend of "No-lift Policy", the government's long-term care policy needs to consider relevant assistive device subsidies and incorporate the use of lifters into the education and training of caregivers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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