


Organizational Knowledge Creation: Knowledge-market Efficiency Perspective




方世杰(Shih-Chieh Fang);蔡淑梨(Su-Lee Tsai);羅育如(Yu-Lu Lo)


知識創造 ; 知識市場 ; 組織學習 ; 知識管理 ; Knowledge creation ; Knowledge market ; Organizational learning ; Knowledge management




13卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


695 - 719






Within the knowledge economy era, knowledge creation as one of the important issue for knowledge management. Appropriate knowledge creation mechanisms can facilitate both the quality and quantity of organizational knowledge. Based on knowledge-based view, (KBV), this paper see the firm as a knowledge base or knowledge market, and suggest that market efficient view might get much managerial implications which form the best practices for market mechanism. This research establishes a theoretical framework for market mechanism and organizational learning capacity and so on, all affect the performance of knowledge creation significantly. Finally, this paper suggest some theoretical and practical implication, and discuss some issues for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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