


Firm Growth, Strategic Choice and Strategic Change




洪世章(Shih-Chang Hung);譚丹琪(Dan-Chi Tan);廖曉青(Hsiao-Ching Liao)


企業成長 ; 策略選擇 ; 策略改變 ; 程序派典 ; firm growth ; strategic choice ; strategic change ; process paradigm




15卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


11 - 35






Firm growth concerns the ways in which top management constantly makes strategic choices, which, in turn, develop into an evolving process of strategic change. Drawing on perspectives from evolutionary theory, resource-based approach, dynamic capabilities, transaction cost economics and social networks, the paper discusses three strategic choices for corporate growth: generic expansion, acquisition, and network. Based on the process-oriented paradigm, we employ a case-oriented comparative method for examining how the proposed model can be applied to analyze strategic choices and change of three Taiwanese computer firms-Acer, Mitac and FIC. Theoretical, empirical and managerial implications are drawn from this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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