


The Impact of Position-Specific Factors and Staffing Orientation on Staffing Decisions for High-Level Managers at Subsidiaries-The Case of Taiwanese Firms in China




鄒筱涵(Hsiao-Han Sophie Tsou);于卓民(Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu);司徒達賢(Dahhsian William Seetoo)


任用需求 ; 任用決策 ; 職位特質 ; staffing-orientation ; staffing decisions ; position-specific factors




15卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


143 - 173






This article discusses the staffing decisions of MNEs from the point of position-specific factors. Classifying staffing-orientation into trust-need and local linkage-need after reviewing related studies and cases, this study investigates the relationship between position-specific factors and staffing-orientation by a mail survey. In addition, the impact of staffing-orientation on staffing decisions for subsidiary managers is examined. Empirically testing the proposed hypotheses for Taiwanese subsidiaries in China, this study finds that: (1) position-specific factors are closely related to trust-need and local linkage-need; (2) trust-need makes a MNC to adopt expatriates as high-level managers at subsidiaries; and (3) higher local linkage-need of a MNC is associated with a higher tendency to recruit nationals as subsidiary managers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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