


The Fad Investing on Initial Public Offerings




王朝仕(Chao-Shi Wang);陳振遠(Roger C. Y. Chen);陳安琳(An-Lin Chen)


新上市公司股票 ; 狂熱 ; 資訊不對稱 ; 超額報酬 ; 市場時機 ; IPOs ; fads ; information asymmetry ; abnormal return ; market timing




15卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


713 - 749






The study constructs a measure indicator to examine the association between the fad investing behavior and the performance of IPOs. Our results show that, although hot issue IPOs have higher initial returns, those stocks suffer long-term underperfrmances. In contrast, IPOs with negative investing sentiments may turn to be profitable for long-term holding. We further explore the reason why IPOs are subject to fads in early aftermarket trading and find that market timing and allotment rate have significant effect on investors fad behavior. In addition, excessive information asymmetry in IPOs market may also result in overvaluation and lead to fad behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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