


The Impacts of Households' Savings or Borrowings on Financial Satisfaction-Cross National Comparisons




郭敏華(Min-Hua Kuo);許瀞方(Jenny Hsu)


財務滿意度 ; 理財取向 ; 儲蓄 ; 借貸 ; Financial satisfactions ; financial orientation ; savings and borrowings




18卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


143 - 175






The financial satisfaction is subject to the financial orientation in household, which includes four types: savings, break-even, insufficient income and using savings, or borrowing. To analyze the impacts of household financial orientation on financial satisfaction cross cultures, we choose five countries with different attributes, the USA, German, Norway, and South Africa, in addition to Taiwan. The main findings are that the financial satisfactions of those having savings are higher than the other three types. ”Saving” makes positive contribution to financial satisfaction while ”borrowing” generates negative impacts. Furthermore, when we compare the positive impacts of high income with savings, and the negative impacts of low income with borrowings, we find that the contribution to satisfaction of savings is higher than that of high income. It lacks consistence between the negative impacts of low income and borrowing. Our findings imply that financial planning and disciplines are very important in raising the subjective financial satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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