


The Impacts of Service Orientation and Supportive Climate on Sale Performance: The Mediating Effect of Emotional Labor and Adaptive Selling Behavior




林尚平(Shang-Ping Lin);湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang);劉桂苓(Kuei-Ling Liu);沈渼君(Mei-Chun Shen)


服務導向 ; 支持氣候 ; 情緒勞務 ; 適應性銷售行為 ; service orientation ; supportive climate ; emotional labor ; adaptive selling behavior




19卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


179 - 206






Whereas much work has focused on the important roles of emotion labor and adaptive selling behaviors on improving sale performance, surprisingly no studies have examined how a service employee's emotion labor influences their sale performance by means of adaptive selling behaviors. In addition, research on emotion labor is growing; yet our understanding of the antecedents of emotion labor remains rather unclear. Thus, we explore the impacts of supportive climate and service orientation on the relationships between emotion labor, adaptive selling behaviors, and sale performance. This study demonstrated that, at the individual level, employees' service orientation was positively related to the emotional labor, which, in turn, positively predicted adaptive selling behaviors that improve their sale performance. Furthermore, store-level supportive climate was positively associated with individual emotion labor, and emotion labor further induced their adaptive selling behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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