


The Determinants of Consumer Intentions to Use Mobile Services: Cross-Service and Cross-User Comparisons




張愛華(Ai-Hwa Chang);蕭丞傑(Cheng-Chieh Hsiao)


行動服務 ; 科技接受與使用之統合理論(UTAUT) ; 服務類型 ; 使用經驗 ; 市場區隔 ; Mobile service ; unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) ; service type ; user experience ; market segmentation




20卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


603 - 635






Based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), the present study proposes an extended framework for acceptance and use of mobile services. Our framework depicts the impacts of effort expectancy, performance expectancy, intrinsic motivation, social influence, perceived control and perceived security on consumers' intentions to use mobile services. Furthermore, the relative effects of hypothesized relationships are compared between different mobile service types and between different user experiences. Analysis upon 402 usable responses using structural equation modeling reveals that effort expectancy, performance expectancy, intrinsic motivation, perceived control and perceived security are positively associated with consumers' intentions to use mobile services. In addition, our results show that some of above relationships have different patterns between goal-oriented and experience-oriented service types, as well as between expert and novice users. Marketing implications and future research directions are further discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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