


Inter-Organizational Imitative Behavior and Relationship-Specific Investment: The Moderating Effect of Performance Aspiration




許文宗(Wen-Tsung Hsu);王俊如(Chun-Ju Wang)


關係專屬性投資 ; 模仿同形 ; 績效期望 ; Relationship-specific investment ; mimetic isomorphism ; performance aspiration




21卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


661 - 688






Relationship-specific investments (RSIs) are an important issue for Taiwanese OEM/ODM suppliers. Prior researches on this issue have primarily focused on economic rationality and overlooked sociological approaches. This study uses mimetic isomorphism perspectives and argues that frequency-based, trait-based and outcome-based mimetic factors each have important influences on the RSIs decision. Further, when firms face with greater performance aspiration gap, in order to reduce the uncertainty and enhance the legitimacy of decision-making processes, firms may enhance their mimetic isomorphism behavior. Using a sample of 161 Taiwanese OEM/ODM suppliers, we find empirical support for our developed theory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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