


The Blind Spot of Performance-Related Pay Reform: An Institutional Logic Perspective




翁晶晶(Jingjing Weng);謝英哲(Ying-Che Hsieh)


制度理論 ; 制度邏輯 ; 績效薪資 ; 教師薪資 ; Institutional Theory ; Institutional Logic ; Performance-related Pay ; Teachers' Pay




27卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


139 - 178






Performance-related pay (PRP) is a system that links pay to performance, aiming to motivate employees to improve their performance and therefore increase organizational competitiveness. Previous research on PRP for schoolteachers has usually focused on its impact on their motivation, while tending to neglect the influence of the institutional environment on the design of pay systems and implementation of reform. Taking a case study approach, this study analyzes the PRP system reform in two public junior high schools, exploring how different institutional logics embedded within the institutional environment of the schools impacted the PRP system design and reform implementation. This research illustrates the key phenomenon and underlying rationale behind the PRP reform in public schools in China, proposing that the conflicts between different institutional logics formed a blind spot in the reform which restricted the functional design of the PRP system and led to imperfections in the reform. In practice, our findings suggest that, before implementing pay system reform, it is critical to identify the demands of each institutional logic and analyze potential conflicts between them. When introducing a PRP system, it is important to leave a certain amount of flexibility in the choice of pay range in order to achieve the desired motivational impact.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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