


New Technological Consumption Behavior: Exploring iPeen Gourmet Application




陳志萍(Chih-Ping Chen);陳正義(Cheng-I Chen)


美食App ; 智慧型手機 ; 使用與滿足 ; 新科技 ; 科技接受模式 ; Gourmet Application ; Smartphone ; Uses and Gratifications ; New Technology ; Technology Acceptance Model




27卷3期(2019 / 09 / 01)


473 - 510






Taiwan is not so big, but it is filled with technology and delicious food. Meanwhile, consumers in Taiwan understand how to use technology and look for delicious food. It becomes a hot issue and new trend that gourmet cuisine information exchange platform on a new technology captures this business opportunity. For example, iPeen mobile application (iPeen App) start-ups and spreads those two trends. It not only seizes the initiative, but also creates a new business model. It provides a platform where consumers can contribute their gourmet experiences with other consumers. The main purpose of this case study tries to understand how consumers adopt new technology concerned factors, including adoption and expectation of new technology, expectation and need of their gratifications, as well as consumer behavior changes, since business administrators encounter new technology boosts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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