


Turning Old to Enable New: A Case Study on Knowledge Sharing of Reverse Mentoring for Organizational Innovation




陳登煌(Teng-Huang Chen);陳蕙芬(Hui-Fen Chen)


反向型師徒 ; 知識分享 ; 組織創新 ; 質性個案研究 ; Reverse Mentoring ; Knowledge Sharing ; Organizational Innovation ; Qualitative Case Study




30卷2期(2022 / 03 / 01)


325 - 366






In the context of the expansion of generational differences and the rapid evolution of technology, this paper explores the application of "reverse mentoring" in organizations. The reverse mentoring exploit the knowledge gap between generations and transforms into a source of organizational innovation through knowledge sharing. In the past, the study of mentoring focused on the analysis of traditional apprenticeship, formal or informal apprenticeship, and apprenticeship functions. Few studies have focused on the sharing of knowledge between mentors and mentees. Besides, these studies also neglected to examine the reverse mentoring, a younger and less experienced mentor and an elder and more experienced mentee. This study selected a traditional industry (textile industry) as a case study, employed a qualitative case study method, using personnel interviews and observations as the primary data collection method, and analyzing the factory's weaving of shallow staff and senior staff. The findings showed that how reverse mentoring could promote organizational innovation. In theory, this paper proposes an interpretation of the knowledge sharing of the reverse mentoring relationship and points out another way to promote organizational innovation. In practice, this study argues that organizations can use reverse mentoring to drive product innovation, process innovation, and management innovation. The reverse mentoring can help the old organizations transform the barriers brought by the time changes into the enablers for organizational innovation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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