


The Effects of Health Functions Certification on Purchase Intention: The Relational Mediation of Moral and Affective Evaluations




謝致慧(Chih-Hui Shieh)


健康功效認證 ; 道德情感評價 ; 認證標章態度 ; 產品健康意識 ; 購買意願 ; Health Functions Certification ; Moral and Affective Evaluation ; Attitude Towards Certification Labels ; Product Healthfulness ; Purchase Intention




30卷3期(2022 / 06 / 01)


469 - 513






With the rising of health awareness among consumers, the demand for health foods has also grown. The recent years have seen many products on the market that bear claims of health functions in an attempt to affect consumers' buying decision. To increase consumers' understanding of health functions certification, this study conducted two experiments in a shopping district and obtained the following findings. Consumers tended to have higher moral and affective evaluations for and hold a more positive attitude towards certification labels on health foods labeled with a certificate for the claimed health functions (vs. not labeled), and carrying multiple certificates (vs. a single certificate) also create a positive effect as certificates labeling. Moreover, moral and affective evaluations mediated the effects of certificates labeling and carrying on attitude towards certification labels, and the relationship between certificates carrying and purchase intention could be concurrently serial mediation of relational variables, including moral and affective evaluations, attitude towards certification labels, and perceived product healthfulness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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