


A Study on Risk and Protective Factors of Adolescent Depressive Mood




陳毓文(Yu-Wen Chen)


少年 ; 憂鬱情緒 ; 危險因子 ; 保護因子 ; adolescents ; depressive mood ; risk factors ; protective factors




17卷4期(2004 / 12 / 01)


67 - 95






Taiwan’s studies regarding adolescent depressive mood focus mostly on risk factors. Conversely, studies focused on protective factors to help reduce risks are few. In order to fill this gap, this study explores the influence of protective factors on adolescent depressive mood in Taiwan and examines how protective factors can moderate risks associated with depressive mood. This study proposed that protective factors can moderate exposure to risk factors, resulting in reduced incidence of depressive mood. Data of this study were collected by means of questionnaires administered in group settings. Two thousand four hundred and six adolescents participated in this study, about 64.4% (n=l,549) with completed information were included in the final analysis, using a multi-stage cluster sampling method. Findings indicate that in addition to age and gender, low self-esteem, parental conflict, and perceived family economic strain are risk factors that can significantly explain adolescent depressive mood. Peer support is the only significant protective factor in explaining adolescent depressive mood. As for the moderating effect, support from adults can somewhat moderate the negative effects of low self-esteem on depressive mood, while peer support moderates perceived family economic strain. Based on these findings, services that help to increase adolescents’ peer and social support should be developed. In addition, the evaluation of depressive mood among adolescents should be done for early intervention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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