


Co-learning in Small Group Dialogue-Clinical Education of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing




蔣欣欣(Hsien-Hsien Chiang);廖珍娟(Jen-Jiuan Liaw)


師生共學 ; 小組對話 ; 自由談 ; 賞識探詢 ; 體知學習 ; co-learning ; small group dialogue ; free-floating discussion ; appreciative inquiry ; embodied learning




34卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


3 - 24






Purpose: The aim of this paper was to explore the utility of free-floating discussion in small group learning for a clinical course in psychiatric-mental health nursing. Methods: Groups met once a week for 9 weeks, 2 hours at a time, consisting of 8 to 14 members for each session. Each session has two stages, the first one was for nursing students; the second one was for clinical preceptors. We used the reflective analysis approach and content analysis to examine transcriptions of the group sessions, assignments, and teaching journals. Results: Free-floating discussion promoted co-learning by means of inclusive dialogue between teachers and students. Co-learning enabled exploration and understanding. We found that co-learning resulted from a dialogue supporting mutual inclusion that enabled exploration of the existence of self and other, which promoted understanding through experience. Conclusion: Free-floating discussion in two-stage groups facilitated the co-learning of clinical teachers and nursing students. This small group learning exercise demonstrated the appreciative inquiry that emerges from group dialogue. It also allowed existence experiences to emerge from teaching without talking, and promoted embodied learning that supports creative understanding. Group dialogue facilitated deep learning and the construction of wisdom from practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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