


An Interpretation Study of MIS professionals' Information Ethics Cognition between the Taiwan Strait


張玲星(Christina Ling-Hsing Chang)


資訊倫理守則 ; 資訊專業人員 ; 隱私權 ; 智慧財產權 ; 存取權 ; 精確權 ; Information Ethical Code ; MIS professional ; Privacy ; Intellectual Property ; Accessibility ; Accuracy




21卷1期(2014 / 01 / 01)


1 - 37






The development of information technology has had a significant impact on social structure, norms and human behavior. Vital for the maintenance of social stability and harmony are respect for social norms and codes by individuals and the protection of the rights of those individuals. An important means of achieving such respect and protection is the presence of, and adherence to, ”information ethics codes”, which are profoundly shaped by the culture in which they are created. In view of the role of China, particularly Mainland China, as a hugely important 21st Century market for global enterprises, this study provides insight into the influence of the Chinese guanxi cultural perspective on the reactive processes of MIS professionals when facing ethical dilemmas. The study finds the same guanxi perspective being adopted by MIS professionals in CHSyst (pseudonym) in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China, despite the long-established divergence in political and economic policies operating in these societies. In practice, this study highlights the importance of the Chinese guanxi cultural perspective for Chinese enterprises wishing to build an appropriate ethical code for their MIS professionals. The study may be regarded as a good reference source for global enterprises seeking to develop strategies to prevent unethical conduct in the workplace among Chinese MIS professionals. Reference to this study may help enterprises to reduce the number of negative consequences stemming from such conduct in the workplace.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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