


The Effect of ERP System Implementation on Earnings Management and the Value-Relevance of Accounting Information




曹秀惠(Hsiu-Hui Tsao);黃娟娟(Chuan-Chuan Huang)


企業資源規劃 ; 盈餘管理 ; 價值攸關性 ; 會計資訊品質 ; Enterprise Resource Planning ; Earnings Management ; Value-relevance ; Accounting Information Quality




25卷2期(2018 / 04 / 01)


189 - 226






This study investigated the effect of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation on earnings management and the value-relevance of accounting information. Among the top 1000 most successful Taiwanese manufacturing firms, those that had implemented ERP systems during 2001-2011 were sampled for an empirical analysis. The results indicated that earnings management, which is measured by short- and long-term discretionary accruals, decreased after the firms implemented ERP systems. The analysis also revealed a significantly negative relationship between ERP implementation and the combined value-relevance of earnings and book values. The results also showed that after the firms implemented ERP systems, the value-relevance of book value increased and that of earnings decreased. These findings indicate that after the firms implemented ERP systems, the faithful representation of accounting information increased and the value-relevance of accounting information decreased. The book value possessed more valuable information from the perspectives of investors after the implementation of the ERP system.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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