


Social Affective Tone (SAT) in Brand Fan Pages: A Preliminary Investigation




林郁翔(Yu-Hsiang Lin);任立中(Lichung Jen)


社群情感氛圍 ; 社群廣告 ; 口碑 ; 情緒渲染 ; 社會化 ; Social Affective Tone ; Social Advertising ; Word-of-Mouth ; Emotional Contagion ; Socialization




26卷1期(2019 / 01 / 01)


79 - 112






Previous studies on the Hierarchy-of-effects (HOE) model were only limited to the individual level. Related discussions, however, were failed to provide explanation at the group level, that is, the phenomenon of advertising, intensified by consumers' word-of-mouth (WOM), radiating massive affective tone and behavioral intentions on social media. This implies that social affective tone (SAT) is determinant for influencing the behavioral intentions of consumers. The discussion on the concept, the antecedent, and the consequence of SAT, however, have not been discussed sufficiently. This study constructed the HOE model on the group level of ''social advertising-social affective tone-behavioral intention'' for brand fan pages by applying the theory of emotional contagion and group socialization. The results show that compared to viewing print advertising, browsing social advertising will generate positive or negative SAT and the keys to the impact are positive or negative WOM derived from the social advertising. Furthermore, compared to the advertising effect of HOE model between individual and group level, the results show that compared to the influence of consumer affection derived from viewing print advertising on the behavioral intentions, the effect of influencing the customer's behavioral intentions through the SAT derived from browsing social advertising is stronger; specifically, the effect of negative SAT on the WOM intention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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