


Using Social Network Theory to Explore the Effect of Market Knowledge on Innovation in Service Industries: A Case of Travel Agencies




陳冠仰(Kuan-Yang Chen);莊文隆(Wen-Long Zhuang);方文熙(David Fang)


市場知識歧異性 ; 市場知識鑲嵌性 ; 產品創新 ; 流程創新 ; 非線性效果 ; Market Knowledge Disparity ; Market Knowledge Embeddedness ; Product Innovations ; Process Innovation ; Non-Linear Effect




26卷3期(2019 / 07 / 01)


365 - 392






Managers and scholars in service industry have paid attentions on the relationship between market knowledge and innovation. Theoretically, market knowledge should be associated with innovation positively but the results indicated a positive, non-significant and negative relationship between market knowledge and innovation. This study asserts that the inconsistent outcomes were resulted of treating market knowledge and innovation as single overall construct and because of the assumption of linear linkage. Therefore, this study is on the basis of social network theory and investigates the impacts of specific knowledge characteristics on two different innovations (product and process), especially testing their non-linear relationship. Under the setting of travel service industry, the empirical results indicate that market knowledge disparity has a non-linear effect on product and process innovations, and its positive effect is significant increasingly. On the other hand, market knowledge embeddedness only has positive effect on product and process innovations. Finally, this study will offer some management implications and suggestion in further studies according to the result in the future.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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