


The Relationship among Participation in Leisure Sports, Flow Experience, Life Satisfaction and the Degree of Depression for the Elderly in Chiayi City




張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)


老人 ; 休閒運動參與程度 ; 心流體驗 ; 生活滿意 ; 憂鬱程度 ; elderly ; participation in leisure sports ; flow experience ; life satisfaction ; degree of depression




42卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


113 - 129






Purpose: the main purpose of this study was to research the influences of old people's participation in leisure sports, flow experience, life satisfaction and the degree of depression on each other. Methods: the group of study was old people over 65 years old in Chiayi City and the method of stratified quota sampling was adopted. Statistical and analyzing methods include descriptive statistics, factor analysis and structure equation modeling. Results: the results of the study showed that participation in leisure sports and flow experience could not affect directly the degree of depression, and only through flow experience and life satisfaction could participation in leisure sports exerts influences on the degree of satisfaction. Conclusion: hope to reduce degree of depression for elderly through the recreation sports, should be able to consider how to increase the participant's perception of flow experience in the activity, and then promote life to be satisfied, that could be decline of the degree of depression. The results of the study demonstrated the influences of psychological effects of leisure sports on the degree of depression, which could help follow-up researches on elderly leisure sports.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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