


Effects of Peer Interpersonal Feedback Strategies for Achievement and Motivation on Woodball during Cooperative Learning Condition




葉秀煌(Shiou-Huang Yeh)


同儕 ; 回饋 ; 小組學習 ; peer ; feedback ; group learning




44卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


131 - 144






Purpose: To examine the effects of peer interpersonal feedback strategies for achievement and motivation on woodball during cooperative learning condition. The participants of this study were 120 students from four to six-graders of domain of health and physical education. Methods: An experimental method with a 3x2 factorial design study. The participants were random assigned into two treatments (peer interpersonal feedback and teacher oral feedback). The data was analyzed by two-way ANCOVA and a following up test by Scheffe'. Results: The peer interpersonal feedback obviously is higher than that of the teacher oral feedback. In ability factor, Students working group in high ability significantly outscored than that of the other ability conditions. Furthermore, Students working group in heterogeneous (high and low in pairs) was more effective learning while in the peer interpersonal feedback or teacher oral feedback treatment. In the learning motivation aspect, two feedback strategies promote the higher learning motivation in the cooperative learning environment. The results also revealed that the peer interpersonal feedback obviously is higher than that of the teacher oral feedback. Conclusion: The peer interpersonal feedback with cooperative learning strategies to promote low ability students for achievement and learning motivation were an effective model for teaching in physical education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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