


Relationship between Balance and Serve Skill for Collegiate Tennis Players




張碧峰(Bi-Fon Chang)


網球 ; 平衡 ; 發球技能 ; tennis ; balance ; serve skills




44卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


45 - 55




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between balance ability and serve skills for collegiate tennis players. Methods: Twenty collegiate tennis players were participated in this study. The static balance and dynamic balance were measured by Zebris force platform. The serve skill including serve speed and accuracy was measured by using Rader Gun during 30 serves performed. Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression was used to examine. Results: There had significant relationship between length track of COP in serve accuracy during static support-leg stand with eyes opened condition, swing area, horizontal deviation and vertical deviation of COP in serve accuracy during static support-leg stand with eyes closed condition. There had significant relationship between swing area and horizontal deviation of COP in serve speed during static nonsupport-leg stand with eyes closed condition. Conclusion: The significant relationship was identified between serve accuracy in support-leg of players, as well as between serve speed in nonsupport-leg of players. The study revealed the neuromuscular control of lower extremities and vestibular input would affect the balance ability when players blind the visual input. The decrease in swing area, horizontal deviation and vertical deviation of support-leg would increase the serve accuracy. The decrease in horizontal deviation of nonsupport-leg would improve the serve speed.


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between balance ability and serve skills for collegiate tennis players. Methods: Twenty collegiate tennis players were participated in this study. The static balance and dynamic balance were measured by Zebris force platform. The serve skill including serve speed and accuracy was measured by using Rader Gun during 30 serves performed. Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression was used to examine. Results: There had significant relationship between length track of COP in serve accuracy during static support-leg stand with eyes opened condition, swing area, horizontal deviation and vertical deviation of COP in serve accuracy during static support-leg stand with eyes closed condition. There had significant relationship between swing area and horizontal deviation of COP in serve speed during static nonsupport-leg stand with eyes closed condition. Conclusion: The significant relationship was identified between serve accuracy in support-leg of players, as well as between serve speed in nonsupport-leg of players. The study revealed the neuromuscular control of lower extremities and vestibular input would affect the balance ability when players blind the visual input. The decrease in swing area, horizontal deviation and vertical deviation of support-leg would increase the serve accuracy. The decrease in horizontal deviation of nonsupport-leg would improve the serve speed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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