


The Reliability and Validity of an Improved Target Measurement System in Measuring Martial Attack Response




劉妍秀(Yen-Hsiu Liu);謝富秀(Fu-Hsiu Hsieh);寧玉麟(Yu-Lin Ning);史麗珠(Lai-Chu See)


眼手水平視覺 ; 技擊 ; eye-hand visual level ; martial arts




45卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


93 - 101




Purpose: A major factor in fighting arts is the speed of response to a given attack. To determine the reliability and validity of target measurement system of martial attack response time. Methods: A national instruments (NI) data acquisition system Hardware and LabView 8.0 software has been used, the reaction time at eye-hand visual level while attack and defense were selected for trial test in terms of the reliability and validity of the instrument. For reliability, 37 male undergraduate students were recruited and measurements were finished within 2 days. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICCs) was made to summarize the test-retest reliability. For validity, two known groups which expect to have obvious difference in reaction time (male karate contestants and male ordinal undergraduate students, 24 each) were recruited and completed the measurement within one day. Independent t-test was used to compare the response time between the two groups. Results: For reliability, the ICC for dominant hand was 0.86, 95%, CI = 0.73~0.93, p = 0.000; the ICC for non-dominant hand was 0.75, 95%, CI = 0.51~0.87, P = 0.000. For validity, karate contestants had a significantly shorter response time (dominant hand: 378.5±21.3 ms, non-dominant hand: 387.9±23.6 ms) than the ordinal undergraduate students (dominant hand: 439.2±35.8 ms, non-dominant hand: 457.1±50.9 ms) did (p = .000). Conclusions: The modified target measurement system can measure the response time at eye-hand visual level while attack and defense. The system had a good test-retest reliability and known-group difference of construct validity. Our target measurement system can measure the attack response time of martial art contestants, and train contestants to improve their eye-hand response time.


Purpose: A major factor in fighting arts is the speed of response to a given attack. To determine the reliability and validity of target measurement system of martial attack response time. Methods: A national instruments (NI) data acquisition system Hardware and LabView 8.0 software has been used, the reaction time at eye-hand visual level while attack and defense were selected for trial test in terms of the reliability and validity of the instrument. For reliability, 37 male undergraduate students were recruited and measurements were finished within 2 days. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICCs) was made to summarize the test-retest reliability. For validity, two known groups which expect to have obvious difference in reaction time (male karate contestants and male ordinal undergraduate students, 24 each) were recruited and completed the measurement within one day. Independent t-test was used to compare the response time between the two groups. Results: For reliability, the ICC for dominant hand was 0.86, 95%, CI = 0.73~0.93, p = 0.000; the ICC for non-dominant hand was 0.75, 95%, CI = 0.51~0.87, P = 0.000. For validity, karate contestants had a significantly shorter response time (dominant hand: 378.5±21.3 ms, non-dominant hand: 387.9±23.6 ms) than the ordinal undergraduate students (dominant hand: 439.2±35.8 ms, non-dominant hand: 457.1±50.9 ms) did (p = .000). Conclusions: The modified target measurement system can measure the response time at eye-hand visual level while attack and defense. The system had a good test-retest reliability and known-group difference of construct validity. Our target measurement system can measure the attack response time of martial art contestants, and train contestants to improve their eye-hand response time.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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