
Effects of Volleyball Training on Visual Time Perception






陳毓君(Yu-Chun Chen);吳忠政(Chung-Cheng Wu);石佑翎(Yu-Ling Shih)


運動訓練 ; 視知覺 ; 時間區辨 ; sports training ; visual perception ; duration discrimination




48卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


105 - 115




緒論:許多研究顯示排球運動員具有優異的視覺技能,例如較快的視覺反應時間,較佳的眼動技巧與視覺空間注意力。在快速且需精確估計動作與擊球時間的排球比賽中,視時間知覺為成功運動表現的重要關鍵因素之一。然而卻少有研究討論視時間知覺能力是否也為排球運動員所具有之優異視覺技能之一,因此本研究的目的在於探討排球訓練是否可提升視時間知覺表現。方法:本研究包括兩個實驗,實驗一比較大學排球運動員,舞蹈系學生與不具運動訓練經驗的大學生執行視時間知覺作業的表現差異。每組各有20名參與者,其中男性與女性參與者各占半數。為進一步了解排球訓練與視時間知覺表現的因果關係,實驗二徵召28名不具運動訓練經驗的女性大學生。其中14名接受18周的排球訓練,另外14名為控制組參與者,實驗期間所有參與者皆每六週接受一次視時間知覺作業測試。結果:實驗一結果顯示三組參與者執行視時間知覺作業的正確率相當,但是排球運動員的反應時間顯著較一般大學生短。實驗二結果發現,訓練組參與者在接受18周的排球訓練之後,執行視時間知覺作業的反應時間與錯誤率皆顯著降低,而控制組參與者在18週前後的表現則沒有顯著差異。結論:排球運動訓練對於視時間知覺的表現有正面效益,建議可在排球訓練的知覺訓練(perceptual training)計畫中輔以視時間知覺技能訓練。


Athletes excel in both movement control and sensory perception in their sport-specific domains since most sports are challenging both physically and cognitively. Experimental evidence has shown that superior visual skills must be cultivated to master a fast, time-constrained sport like volleyball. Time perception is a particularly crucial element of successful volleyball performance. However, less is known about whether visual time perception is one of these superior skills developable through volleyball training. Methods: The study details two experiments. In Experiment 1, we compared the performance in a visual time perception task across volleyball athletes, dancers and non-athletic controls. There were 20 participants (10 men and 10 women) in each group. It is hypothesized that volleyball athletes, but not the dancer experts, would have better performance than non-athletes in a visual time perception task. The relationship between volleyball training and visual time perception was further confirmed in Experiment 2, which had a longitudinal design meant to track performance improvements over an 18-week volleyball training regime oriented to novices. 28 female university students were recruited in this experiment. None of them participated in Experiment 1 nor had any experience of sports training. Of the participants, 14 (mean age=18.6 ± 0.93 years old) voluntarily joined the volleyball training program as an after-school sports activity. It is hypothesized that visual time perception performance of novices is improved after 18 weeks of volleyball training. Results: In Experiment 1, all participants had comparable accuracy, but only the volleyball athletes had shorter reaction time when compared to non-athletes. In Experiment 2, the performance changes over the 18-week period were significantly improved only in the volleyball training group and not in the control group in terms of both reaction time and error rate in visual time perception. Conclusion: A positive effect of volleyball training on visual time perception was observed by both sets of results. The present findings suggest that visual time perception is another domain-specific skill associated with volleyball expertise, and a potential training regime for better sports performance is discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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