


Influence of the oversea expedition mountaineering courses on resilience for aboriginal adolescents suffering from disaster




謝智謀(Chih-Mou Hsieh)


體驗教育 ; 戶外冒險教育 ; 賦權 ; 災後心理重建 ; experiential education ; outdoor adventure education ; empowerment ; psychological re-establishment from disaster




51卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


107 - 125






Purpose: Following the rapid change of extreme weather, the news about huge damage from disaster for aboriginal tribe often reported. Reconstruction after disaster was a quite long road. Hence, the development of resilience to recover from damage became important psychological competence, especially for the social-economic disadvantaged aboriginal adolescents suffering from disaster. According to the past research results, outdoor adventure education courses could promote the resilience for young people. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to explore the influence of adventure education based oversea expedition mountaineering courses on resilience for aboriginal adolescents suffering from disaster. Methods: Participants were five aboriginal adolescents from Kaohsiung mountain area suffering from disaster joining the sixteen-day program of "The 6,178M Yuzhu Peak oversea expedition". The qualitative research approach was undertaken. The method of thematic analysis of research was used to analyze the texts collected from post-interview and participants' reflection. Results: Before the courses, there were five essential themes about the danger factors, including: individual, family, school, interpersonal relationship as well as peer, and social culture for the participants. Also, three essential themes regarding protection factors such as: positive character, supporting system and faith. There were three essential themes about the influence of oversea expedition mountaineering courses on resilience for aboriginal adolescents suffering from disaster, including: outside support and resource (such as: emotional support from teammate, courage and concern from instructor and counselor, role model, safety regulation and faith), intrapersonal strength (for example: lovely personality, autonomy, altruism, trust, inner control and belief) and social interpersonal skill (including: communication, problem-solving, emotion control, seeking for trust relationship and social skill). Conclusion: The researcher proposed the model for influence of the oversea expedition mountaineering courses on aboriginal adolescents' resilience and concluded that oversea expedition mountaineering courses could bring out positive influence on resilience for aboriginal adolescents suffering from disaster.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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