


Perceived coaching style: The examination of variable- and person-centered approach




彭譯箴(Yi-Chen Peng);沈緯鈞(Wei-Jiun Shen)


自主支持行為 ; 控制行為 ; 教練選手關係 ; autonomy support ; controlled behavior ; coach-athlete relationship




51卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


169 - 186




緒論:教練領導風格影響運動員的身心適應。本研究以自我決定理論架構為基礎,輔以華人文化的家長式領導脈絡,檢驗適合解釋華人文化的領導風格,並瞭解不同領導風格下的運動員之正負向心理指標的差異。方法:研究參與者包含117名男性與103名女性大學運動之運動員(M_(age) = 20.11, SD = 1.87)。本研究採取集群分析(cluster analysis)確認教練行為的不同模式(pattern),並以單因子多變量變異數分析(multivariate analysis of variance, MANOVA)檢視不同模式教練行為下,運動員所知覺到的教練選手關係與運動倦怠是否有顯著差異。結果:集群分析結果區分出四種教練風格:控制型、恩威並重型、自主與酬賞控制型、平淡型。單因子多變量變異數分析結果顯示,相較於較多控制型行為的教練風格,較多自主支持成分的教練風格領導下的運動員有較佳的教練選手關係與較低的運動員倦怠。結論:本研究嘗試以運動員為主體,透過自我決定理論的觀點為基礎來描述運動員所知覺到的不同領導風格,研究結果支持了此區分取向的合適性。


Introduction: Coach's leadership style plays an important role in athlete's psychological outcomes. According to self-determination theory (SDT) and culture-specific theoretical foundation (e.g., paternalistic leadership), the present study employed variable-centered and person-centered approaches to examine the correlations among athlete's perceived coaching behaviors and their mental properties, and identified different coaching style based on the combinations of perceived autonomy-supportive and controlled coaching behaviors, as well as examined the effect of coaching style on athlete's positive and negative psychological factors. Methods: 117 male and 103 female collegiate athletes (Mage = 20.11, SD = 1.87) participated in present study. Cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were conducted to identify coaching styles and test the differences of coach-athlete relationship and burnout across coaching styles. Results: Cluster analysis revealed four coaching styles: controlled, benevolent authority, supported and controlled by reward as well as indifferent. One way MANOVA showed that, the coaching style with greater autonomy support and lower controlling coaching behaviors revealed more adaptive coach-athlete relationship and burnout. Conclusion: Present study attempted to explore different coaching styles on the bases of SDT and its effect. The research results supported the appropriateness of present study approach.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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