


Multiple case studies of obese Taiwanese children and their learning experiences in PE classes




王亭文(Erica Ting-Wen Wang);高麗娟(Li-Chuan Kao);王文宜(Wen-Yi Wang);高曉蓉(Xiao-Rong Kao)


質性研究 ; 同儕互動 ; 身體活動 ; 學習動機 ; 知覺社會角色 ; qualitative research ; peer interaction ; physical activity ; motivation to learn ; perception of social role




51卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


237 - 252




緒論:近年來,肥胖的相關議題受到各國政府及民眾的重視。肥胖會伴隨相當多的慢性疾病,對於兒童也會造成嚴重的結果,過去探討肥胖學童的相關研究較少以質性研究取向探討肥胖學童的相關經驗,因此,本研究以質性研究取向為主,研究目的為瞭解肥胖學童在體育課中的學習經驗。方法:以質性研究中的多重個案研究進行,透過立意取樣的方式選擇3位男童3位女童(年齡為8歲到11歲;Body Mass Index (BMI)為22至23.5)以及2位體育教師、1位導師(女性1位、男性2位;教學年資為2年、11年、18年)的研究參與者,同時以半結構式訪談(semi-structured interview)、參與觀察法 (participant observation)以及畫、說與寫(draw, talk, and write),並以主題分析法(thematic analysis)進行肥胖學童的體育課參與經驗的探究。結果:肥胖學童實際體育課參與經驗當中,包含了幾個面向:(一)肥胖學童易有運動傷害、習慣性逃避體育課、易遭受同儕的嘲笑以及少數的肥胖學童能夠樂在其中的經驗;(二)肥胖學童在體育課的參與上,帶有期待及受傷的經驗感受;(三)肥胖學童相當在意自身體態、肥胖所帶來不適的生理感受以及同儕互動與相處經驗是體育課參與的重要因素。結論:部分肥胖學童在體育課的學習經驗上,確實會因體型因素造成些許負面影響,因此,體育老師在課程設計及安排上,應多注意個別差異,同時也輔以同理心的教育,協助肥胖學童能更快樂的參與體育課,提升身心健康。


Introduction: in recent years, governments and people in various countries have paid attention to issues related to obesity, which is accompanied by many chronic diseases and has a serious effect on children. There have been fewer qualitative studies in the past on the experiences of children with obesity. Therefore, this study is based on qualitative research with the purpose of understanding the learning experiences of obese children in PE classes. Methods: qualitative multiple case studies on a purposively selected sample of 3 boys and 3 girls (age 8-11; Body Mass Index (BMI) 22-23.5), 2 PE teachers and 1 homeroom teacher (Male: 2 Female: 1; teaching experience: 2 years, 11 years, 18 years) were carried out. Methodologies such as semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and the draw, talk & write method were used to explore the involvement and experiences of obese children in PE classes. Results: the actual participation and experiences of obese children in PE classes include three dimensions: (a) Obese children tend to have more sports injuries, habitually avoid PE classes, be ridiculed by peers. Very few obese children have enjoyable experiences. (b) In terms of participation in PE classes, obese children experience both feelings of anticipation and hurt. (c) The key factors affecting levels of participation in PE classes are how self-conscious obese children are of their figure, the physical discomfort brought by obesity, and the interaction and experience with peers. Conclusion: PE teachers should pay more attention to individual differences when designing and arranging the class curriculum as well as supplementing it with the education on empathy in order to assist obese children to participate in PE classes more happily, and promote better physical and mental health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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